Identify American Association of Diabetes Educators (ADA) guidelines for treatment options in caring for older patients with diabetes
Recognize appropriate medication therapy for older patients with diabetes based on comorbidities
Recognize potential simplification for medication regimen in the elderly population
Describe potential monitoring parameters of diabetes related medications
Identify barriers to compliance with diabetes therapy in elderly patients with diabetes
Pharmacy Technician
Identify American Association of Diabetes Educators (ADA) guidelines for treatment options in caring for older patients with diabetes
Recognize appropriate medication therapy for older patients with diabetes based on comorbidities
Recognize potential simplification for medication regimen in the elderly population
Describe potential monitoring parameters of diabetes related medications
Identify barriers to compliance with diabetes therapy in elderly patients with diabetes
Identify American Association of Diabetes Educators (ADA) guidelines for treatment options in caring for older patients with diabetes
Recognize appropriate medication therapy for older patients with diabetes based on comorbidities
Recognize potential simplification for medication regimen in the elderly population
Describe potential monitoring parameters of diabetes related medications
Identify barriers to compliance with diabetes therapy in elderly patients with diabetes